Thursday in a Garden

 We are going to  tell you more about Mommy's trip to Bellingrath Gardens back in April. They had lots of fountains and running water there. We sorta think Fenris and Tuiren would have loved this HUGE water bowl?

 Mommy wanted to get a good look at how they did this, she is thinking of trying to do the same thing with our Sky Flower.

 Can you believe Mommy found a big cat to ride?

 This was a courtyard where you could eat, thanks to the running water and brick walls it was very quiet and peaceful even though it was in one of the busiest parts of the garden. Mommy would like to do something like this down at the pond.

It looks like she had a good time, but we still think the garden would be better with some cats and dogs in it.

We are thankful for good friends that are willing to go walking with you. Fenris and Tuiren are very thankful each time Mommy and Miss Tammy take them for a walk, especially when they go walking in the woods. And we are thankful for beautiful places to visit that are close to our home.  ~ATCAD


Millie and Walter said...

What a beautiful garden full of inspiration. We will be waiting to see if your mom can do some of the things she saw at this garden in her own garden.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....pleez ta tell mom thanx for sharin...theeze R awesum ...we think de waterz
tho could use sum fish....ya noe; perch, bloo gil, flounder, a few trout !! :) ♥♥ N
we bet her could plants de sky flower like that !!!

Eastside Cats said...

Gardens with fountains are my fav! What a beautiful place.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a pretty place and all of those fountains are beautiful! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!